igtDSzeRzGĪs seen above, the craziest discovery here is that the Star Fox shift already began even before Dinosaur Planet‘s GameCube transition. It seems to be quite a late build of the game which is great, but it will need some hacking to be fully playable to the end. The file date lists the build as being from December 1st 2000. We purchased this disc containing the build from a private game collector in Sweden. The development was halted and moved to the GameCube, where it was then released as Star Fox Adventures. Today we have released Dinosaur Planet by Rare for Nintendo 64. Check out the tweets below for all the goods! Thanks to game preservationist site Forest of Illusion, a pplayable build of Dinosaur Planet‘s N64 version is available for everyone to enjoy, be they Rare die-hards or curious game historians. We’ve previously witnessed footage, screenshots, and concept art of the former - an original fantasy adventure featuring vulpine leads Krystal and Sabre - but aside from plot summaries and the like archived by Rare Thief, we’ve never had an in-depth look of what this globe-trotting epic might’ve been like…until now.

Thought GameCube’s Star Fox Adventures was ill-suited for Nintendo’s sci-fi shmup? You’re not alone - while the 2002 action-adventure game had its fans, many Nintendo fans wish Rare’s original vision in Nintendo 64’s Dinosaur Planet came to fruition instead, be it as an ambitious send-off for the dying console or a stunning GameCube showcase.